How To Treat Ingrown Hairs

By | February 4, 2025

How To Treat Ingrown Hairs – Laser hair removal is one of the best choices to get rid of ingrown hair. With the weather getting warmer in Chicago, many of us are now swapping out our pants for shorts, skirts, and swimwear. Ingrown hairs can lead to bumpy legs and irritated skin. shaving and waxing often can promote irritation in the hair. So what is the best way to remove this irritation? Laser hair removal.

Why do ingrown hairs occur? Ingrown hairs occur because some body hair instead of growing straight out, curls back and grows into the skin. This causes irritation and can make the skin appear irritated with pimples. Often, if you look close enough microscopically, you can see the skin and hair growing from the inside.

How To Treat Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are especially a problem with patients who shave their hair trying to achieve a super smooth look. When the hair tries to grow out, it can cause irritation. The most common areas for ingrown hairs are the legs, underarm area and the bikini area. Women and men can both develop ingrown hairs.

Nad’s Ingrown Hair Treatment Solution Serum

What should I do if I have an ingrown hair? If a hair grows under your skin, your body will likely have irritation and an infection. Ideally, you don’t want to scratch your spot as this can make the irritation worse. The best course of action is to not shave and see if the hair can redeem itself. Antibiotic soap and other things like tea tree oil can also help. If you​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​are still have persistent ingrown hairs, consider laser hair removal.

How can I prevent ingrown hairs? The best method for removing ingrown hairs is to remove the hairs completely. This prevents the hairs from growing back. It prevents the hair from curling, which causes irritation. By keeping up with laser removal, patients’ legs can go from bumpy to silky smooth.

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There’s nothing like a close shave to pull yourself together. But sometimes your razor burn can come back, leaving you with painful, unsightly red bumps that make you look like you’ve hit puberty acne all over again.

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They’re called ingrown hairs, and they’re extremely common, especially among guys who are required to have a close shave every day for work, says Bruce A. Brod, M.D., clinical professor of dermatology in the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Sometimes dermatologists even have to provide medical excuses so guys have a legit excuse to avoid shaving, he says.

But why are ingrown hairs such a problem? Here’s everything you need to know about why they tend to pop up, how to get rid of them, and what you can do to prevent them so you can achieve smooth skin for good.

While ingrown hairs may look a lot like pimples, they’re actually “foreign body reactions” that occur when something goes into your hair follicle, Dr. Brod explains.

“When the hairs are cut very short, instead of leaving the skin and growing out of the skin normally, the hairs make a kind of U-bend and grow into the skin,” says Dr. Bread. “It’s almost like the hair acts like a little splinter.”

How To Get Rid Of An Ingrown Hair

Your body sees that trapped hair as a foreign invader, so it sends out white blood cells to fight it off. This is where the inflammation comes from, which causes the painful, tender, red bump.

While any guy can get an ingrown hair, those with thicker, curlier strands are especially prone to them, he says. And you can blame your razor for the bump, especially if it has more than one blade.

“It shaves the hair so close that it cuts off the hair below the surface of the skin, and there it has the opportunity, if it’s a bit curly, to not be able to come out of the skin and instead grow from within,” explains Dr. Brod.

That’s why ingrown hairs typically form around your beard area and under your jawline. “There’s a tendency for men to stretch the skin when they shave, which makes for a very, very close shave,” he adds. But ingrown hairs can develop in any area you groom—yes, even below the belt.

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You can try putting a warm compress on the bump to see if that can help the hair grow back. No luck? If your ingrown hair isn’t too bothersome, there are over-the-counter treatments, like Tend Skin Liquid, that encourage your hair to grow back and grow out of the surface of your skin.

If that doesn’t work for you, look for products that contain benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or hydrocortisone to help exfoliate your skin and reduce inflammation, says Dr. Bread.

But if your ingrown hair is particularly painful or persistent, you should connect with your dermatologist. Digging into your skin to tweeze the hair is not only painful, but it can also make things worse. The same goes for trying to pop it open like a pimple. This can cause small tears in the barrier of your skin, making it a breeding ground for bacteria, which can potentially lead to an infection, scarring, or even set up another ingrown hair in the same spot, says Dr. Bread.

Once you go to your dermatologist, he or she will typically use a sterile needle or a sharp blade to cut your skin a little and release the hair. In more severe cases, they may prescribe topical cortisone creams or even oral antibiotics to reduce the inflammation or heal any infection that may have developed.

How To Treat Ingrown Hairs On Legs, Armpits, & More

If you’re constantly dealing with ingrown hairs, there are steps you can take to prevent them, so you don’t have to go to your dermatologist to remove them after the fact, says Dr. Bread. Here are his top four tips:

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Ewc Brightening Ingrown Hair Treatment Kit

You may be able to reduce ingrown pubic hair with over-the-counter (OTC) exfoliants and moisturizers and home remedies. Certain practices, such as hygienic shaving habits, can prevent them.

You get ingrown pubic hair when your pubic hair grows back into the skin instead of up to the surface. It can happen when pubic hair is shaved, waxed, or plucked. When ingrown hairs develop, you may have:

In most cases, you do not need to treat ingrown pubic hair. They often disappear on their own without treatment.

If the hairs do not begin to grow back through the skin, you may need to try one of the following treatment options.

How To Get Rid Of An Ingrown Hair, According To Expertshellogiggles

Try not to pluck it completely until the area is healed, or the skin will heal over the hair again. Don’t dig into your skin. Breaking through your skin can cause an infection.

Gently wash and exfoliate around the area to help the hair return to the surface of the skin.

If the ingrown pubic hair causes a lot of redness and inflammation, a doctor may prescribe a steroid cream. This topical treatment can reduce swelling and irritation around the hair.

Retinoids, such as tretinoin (Renova, Retin-A), can speed up the shedding of dead skin cells. They can also help clear up dark skin patches that form due to ingrown hairs. A doctor may prescribe a retinoid, but be aware that these medications can cause dry skin.

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Do not use products containing retinoids if you are pregnant. This medication is dangerous for the baby and can cause developmental problems.

Benzoyl peroxide cream is an ingredient found in OTC acne treatment that can help dry the affected area and reduce redness.

A doctor can prescribe an antibiotic ointment or wash. If the infection is severe, you may need to take an antibiotic by mouth.

The best way to prevent ingrown pubic hair is to avoid waxing, shaving or plucking, but that is not always practical.

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Treating the pubic region before shaving can reduce your risk of ingrown hairs when the hair starts to grow back.

First, wash your skin with a mild soap. Rub on a lubricating shaving cream or shaving gel designed for sensitive areas. Shave in the direction of hair growth.

Some razors are designed to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. You can try one of these special razors, or just buy a single-bladed razor.

The American Academy of Dermatology

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