How To Clean And Sanitize Makeup Brushes
How To Clean And Sanitize Makeup Brushes – Spring is here and what better time to learn to clean and sanitize your makeup and makeup brushes? I’m what you’d call a little OCD but my husband’s doctor says I don’t like to self-diagnose, so let’s just say I have OCD tendencies. One of them is keeping my makeup and my makeup brushes clean.
Raise your hand if you want bacteria, increased acne/breakouts, risk of infection, herpes or any other virus your makeup may carry.
How To Clean And Sanitize Makeup Brushes
Keeping your prep clean and tidy isn’t just important, it’s essential. You can do it for about $2. To clean off your makeup you’ll need: rubbing alcohol, a small spray bottle (picked up in the Target travel section for 99 cents), a small cup/jar, and some cotton.
How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes At Home
Before you start cleaning … Read the rest