Category Archives: Wellness

health and wellness tips, fitness routines, self-care practices

Diy Spa Day At Home

Diy Spa Day At Home – I experienced my first official ‘space sun’ two years ago. Of course, I’ve read the occasional massage and facial massage and now the facialist scolds me for not doing more facials, but a day dedicated to the ‘spa’ is not which I could afford years ago. there is very little time for this (I mean, who does?). Lucky for me, I partnered with Culligan Water this year to talk about the health and beauty benefits of soft and filtered water. So, happily, I talk about water while hosting my team. It’s a connection that I’m very happy with as we use water every day and it’s something that I’m very happy about.

So gather your friends, dip your toes in the spa water and apply those cucumbers to your eyes. In fact, research has shown that cucumbers on the eyes block your vision by … Read the rest

Strategies For Coping With Burnout

Strategies For Coping With Burnout – Highlights from the 2021 Global Investigative Journalism Conference session, Dealing with Burnout and Stress. Illustration: Kata Máthé/Remarker

Almost all journalists have been fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and its devastating impact on their lives. Many people have reported first-hand the impact of the virus, facing challenges such as lockdowns, risk of contagion, increased workload and screen fatigue.

Strategies For Coping With Burnout

Likewise, many journalists still have to contend with the usual suspects that cause burnout and trauma: emotionally difficult topics, violence, threats, and graphic images.

Tips, Tools, And Strategies To Help You Recover From Burnout

Resilience is the human ability to overcome, recover and adapt to adversity, trauma, tragedy and significant causes of stress, and journalists can be particularly adept at it, according to experts at Colombia’s Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma. It is a university project connecting journalists, clinicians and researchers. Trauma … Read the rest

Tips For Better Sleep Hygiene

Tips For Better Sleep Hygiene – Sometimes we all want the simple secret of how to fall asleep fast and sleep well. The truth is, there is no magic pill, but there are many good habits that can help you sleep better. Sleep hygiene can easily be confused with the process of washing or cleansing the body before entering. Sleep, but do not deceive – it is even more important. Sleep hygiene practices are a combination of science-backed habits and habits to have a positive effect on sleep duration and sleep quality. These practices are technically easy to achieve, but have the power of addictive habits and “not having enough time in a day” that often act as barriers to establishing and maintaining a healthy sleep pattern. Good.

Every living thing on the planet needs sleep, albeit in small quantities. Sleep is an important element of human health and sleep … Read the rest

Mindfulness Practices For Everyday Life

Mindfulness Practices For Everyday Life – I’ll be honest: when I first started practicing mindfulness, it wasn’t on my priority list! I always felt like there was so much to do and I was running out of time.

I get it! You have a demanding job, or a busy family life, or a lot on your plate. It’s hard enough to find time to eat breakfast, let alone develop (and actually stick to!) a formal mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness Practices For Everyday Life

Into my life in a simple, interesting and fun way (some of which didn’t even take extra time!).

Mindful Moments: 17 Practices For Daily Life

Plus, I’ve created a beautiful, easy-to-use checklist that you can download, print, and use as a daily reminder to keep in mind!

1. Take a shower carefully paying attention to the temperature of the water and the feeling of falling on the surface.… Read the rest

Tips For Balancing Work And Life

Tips For Balancing Work And Life – Work-life balance is an important part of your daily life and is essential for self-care. It can be key to prevent employee fatigue, stress, and boost general well-being. However, finding a healthy balance between personal interests and career goals can feel difficult to achieve at times.

In this guide, learn what work-life balance is and its importance, the causes of poor work-life balance, and how to improve work-life balance with 17 useful tips.

Tips For Balancing Work And Life

Is a state a person experiences when the demands of his personal life are equally balanced with the demands of his career. When a person achieves a sustainable work-life balance, he can experience various positive effects, including the following:

How To Balance Work, Life & Family (lunch & Learn)

With the increase in technology and communication at our fingertips, it is becoming more difficult … Read the rest

Benefits Of Deep Breathing Exercises

Benefits Of Deep Breathing Exercises – Starting your morning with just 5 minutes of abdominal breathing is a powerful tool to relieve stress and start your day on a healthy note.

Belly Breath: Wake up happy and energized with 5-minute morning breathing exercises & nbspPhoto Credit: & nbspGetty Images

Benefits Of Deep Breathing Exercises

New Delhi: Adding simple breathing exercises to your morning routine can make a big difference in your life. While you can practice this calming technique at any time of the day, there’s something refreshing about the morning when the air is fresh and your mind is most alert during this part of the day. Starting your morning with just 5 minutes of abdominal breathing is a powerful tool to relieve stress and start your day on a healthy note.

Benefits Of Doing Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy

Belly breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing, is a type of breathing … Read the rest

Importance Of Hydration For Wellness

Importance Of Hydration For Wellness – The body is made up of 50 to 75 percent water, and since it cannot store it, you need fresh supplies every day. Most tap water in Australia contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay. Water is also a great choice for your health and hydration because it has:

Drinking water regularly helps you stay hydrated so you stay more energized and alert.

Importance Of Hydration For Wellness

Good hydration is essential for good health and plays a vital role in the day-to-day functioning of your body. Dehydration can also affect your attention, which can lead to mistakes, especially when using machines and sharp objects. If you don’t drink enough water, you may experience signs of dehydration, including (but not limited to):

The Importance Of Hydration: I Should Drink How Much Water?

IMPORTANT: Be aware of your co-workers when working in hot conditions or … Read the rest

Stress Management Techniques

Stress Management Techniques – There’s no doubt about it: proposals are stressful. We are constantly fighting deadlines, putting out fires, overcoming blockages and solving problems. And those are just the stressors we deal with at work. Combined with the stresses we deal with in our personal lives, these things can begin to take a toll on our well-being.

Although we all know about stress—and generally recognize its symptoms—we don’t always take the time to actively manage the stress we deal with on a daily basis. While a small amount of stress can be positive and motivate you to prepare or perform, such as when you go for a job interview or give a presentation, prolonged stress can be extremely harmful. Chronic stress can suppress the immune, digestive, sleep and reproductive systems. Over time, routine stress can contribute to more serious health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression … Read the rest

Daily Affirmations For Self-confidence

Daily Affirmations For Self-confidence – Do you sometimes struggle to feel confident about yourself? These positive affirmations of confidence and self-esteem can help you reconnect with your power.

I’ll show you why and how you should use positive affirmations to feel more confident.

Daily Affirmations For Self-confidence

Increase your self-confidence with the Innertune Affirmation app! Dive into a personalized selection of affirmations designed to lift you up every day.

Self Confidence Positive Affirmations To Boost Your Mood

This is important: Confidence is having confidence in your abilities and believing that you have what it takes to face any challenge that may come your way. When you are confident, you trust and believe in yourself and the future.

It gives you a strong sense of control in your life because you are aware of your strengths and know that you can positively influence any event that occurs in your life. You … Read the rest

Importance Of Setting Boundaries

Importance Of Setting Boundaries – I just stumbled upon an Instagram post about “Boundaries” and now I want to share some things with you. First, let us understand the meaning of demarcation.

Invisible lines that define acceptable behavior for an individual. Boundaries can be physical (e.g., do not touch me) or emotional (do not lie to me).

Importance Of Setting Boundaries

Demarcation is a form of self-care. It helps to establish clear guidelines / rules / limits of how you want to be treated. They let others know what is what and what is okay / acceptable. It obeys our needs and desires so that we feel respected and safe.

Importance Of Setting Clear Boundaries As Content Freelancer

1. Set your limits and contact them. To know when someone is crossing your border, you need to have some. If you do not know what motivates you and what you consider … Read the rest