Category Archives: Wellness

health and wellness tips, fitness routines, self-care practices

Ways To Boost Immune System Naturally

Ways To Boost Immune System Naturally – CYSTERHOOD BUNDLE: 1x Sisterhood Tea 1x The PCOS Journal $59.70 (collab with PCOS Pathways, you will be taken to a new page)

Times are tough (as I write this we are in the midst of the global pandemic that is Covid-19), but now more than ever it is important that we take the time to really focus on our overall health, especially our immune systems.

Ways To Boost Immune System Naturally

So I wanted to take you through a couple of very simple but effective ways you can help boost your immunity, naturally!

How To Boost Your Immune System Naturally

An essential nutrient, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants help fight free radicals, a type of unstable molecule known to damage the immune system. There’s some evidence that vitamin C may be particularly helpful in boosting the immune systems of people under … Read the rest

Mindful Eating Practices

Mindful Eating Practices – Mindful eating is the practice of eating by focusing primarily on the sensory aspects of our being. When we eat mindfully, we eat focusing on the smallest things like the texture of the food, the movement of our tongue as it curves to the shape of the food, the taste and our reaction to it, moment by moment observing with judgment. It has very little to do with tracking calories, carbs, or protein. Thus, the act of mindful eating is also considered meditative as it helps us gain awareness of our eating experiences. In fact, this practice is based on Zen Buddhism and has become popular as a way to calm down and bring a sense of control, confidence and discipline to eating habits. The term “mindfulness” was defined by John Kabat-Zinn, the original developer and leader of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program, as “paying attention … Read the rest

Self-care Activities For Wellbeing

Self-care Activities For Wellbeing – We can think of self-care as a mosaic of activities – each part contributing to the dynamic picture of life. As you navigate through the 70 self-care practices listed below, think of them as potential tiles for your lifestyle.

There’s something here to add color and texture to your personal care journey. Dive in and choose the activities that interest you.

Self-care Activities For Wellbeing

Although the self-care practices listed will greatly increase your quality of life, there may be times when they are not enough.

Wellbeing Ideas & Self Care Activities

If you find yourself feeling stressed, anxious, hot, or depressed, it’s time to consider getting professional help. This is especially true if these symptoms interfere with your daily activities, your relationships, or your physical health.

Professionals, such as therapists, counselors, and doctors, have the expertise to provide strategies, tools, and guidance that are … Read the rest

Healthy Meal Prep Ideas For Busy Days

Healthy Meal Prep Ideas For Busy Days – Sounds like a great idea, right? It saves time and money, takes the guesswork out of what to eat, and makes healthier choices over time. The difficulty is deciding

To make. It’s so interesting that you want to eat it again and again, so easy that it can be prepared in one go, and so simple that the thought of preparing it is not overwhelming. Phew! The good thing is that we are up to the challenge for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Check out our 62 best meal prep recipes for ideas—you’ll be a master in no time.

Healthy Meal Prep Ideas For Busy Days

If you’re unfamiliar, the idea of ​​meal prep is exactly what it sounds like—making multiple meals ahead of time instead of cooking each meal individually. It’s not a novel concept (hello, leftovers!), but planning to do it … Read the rest

Benefits Of Nature Walks

Benefits Of Nature Walks – Figure 1: Nature and mental health. Childhood exposure to nature is linked to mental health in adulthood.

You’ve probably heard that nature is great for mental health and well-being in adults. New research has shown that this may also be important for children.

Benefits Of Nature Walks

Children who have more exposure to nature grow up to have better mental well-being than their peers.

Health Benefits Of Trees — The Nature Conservancy In Washington

In this post, we’ll post some of the most beneficial aspects of nature for kids that are backed by scientific research.

Top Questions and Answers The Connection Between Vaping and Smoking in Children Firearm Warehouse Safety Statistics MMR Vaccine and Autism Suicide Attempt Statistics Seasonal Affective Disorder: What Are the Symptoms? PTSD Statistics: Comorbidity Rating, Cardiovascular Effects. Socioeconomic Policies and Stress Top 3 Benefits of Nature for Kids Health Benefits of … Read the rest

Quick And Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Quick And Healthy Breakfast Ideas – Scrambled eggs are incredibly versatile. From a fluffy omelet filled with all your favorite veggies, to creamy scrambled eggs for a quick breakfast and even perfect hard-boiled eggs that are prepped for a fast and filling lunch, they are packed with protein. And these egg recipes will prove why you should always have them on hand.

If you’re stuck on a breakfast idea, two eggs scrambled in a pan is a good place to start. Add a fried egg to a crunchy piece of toast, in a breakfast sandwich, or alongside tortillas tossed in homemade salsa verde, the perfect chilaquiles recipe. Think more outside of the most important meal of the day. Eggs also deserve a clever role in any meal. Thanks to their live cooking, you can serve up a week’s worth of protein for dinner in well under 30 minutes. Not only … Read the rest

Yoga Poses For Stress Relief

Yoga Poses For Stress Relief – Have you ever felt like the world is on your shoulders – parent, co-worker, partner, friend, pet owner – and then you notice a shoulder muscle that won’t relax? Or pain in the thigh, leg, head or back? Of course, we’ve all noticed the connection between busy and stressful times in our lives and the aches and pains we feel in our bodies.

We can assume that our children will also experience this. Has your child ever complained of a tummy ache but was just nervous about going to school? How about your daughter’s general complaint that “I just don’t feel good,” but she can’t articulate what hurts or why? We don’t have to look far to see examples of the mind-body connection. So what can we do in these moments when we receive the message that we are in the place of “disease”? … Read the rest

Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude

Simple Ways To Practice Gratitude – Make a promise to yourself this holiday season to be more grateful. While many of us focus on gratitude during the holiday season, it’s a skill we should try to practice regularly. When you learn to practice gratitude every day, a change happens to you. When you work to find something to be grateful for in what happens every day, you’ll start to feel more positive, calmer, and happier. If you’re looking for easy ways to be thankful, here are 4 easy ways to be more thankful in your busy life.

We can all find at least one good thing in our lives every day. Make a daily note of something that is going right in your life. Consider children, family, bills to pay, a warm house to live in, a car, or the simple fact that you have enough food to eat. Find … Read the rest

10-minute Morning Stretch Routine

10-minute Morning Stretch Routine – Here are two mini-workouts that do double duty. Not only do these workouts take about 10 minutes to complete each, but they’re a great way to get him moving in the morning (or whenever he needs a little pick-me-up) or to help him wind down from a stressful day. Your body and mind will thank you when you finish your day with these exercises.

If you’re having trouble getting out of bed in the morning, combining yoga and Pilates to boost your energy may help your body’s alarm clock go off sooner. This workout will make you feel energetic even before you get out of bed. Or, if you need a harder surface, use the space next to your bed. You don’t even have to change out of your pajamas. These five movements will help you stretch, stretch, and “set up” your day.

10-minute Morning

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Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Benefits Of Regular Exercise – We all know the benefits of physical exercise, but we are too lazy to devote ourselves to spending our free time in the gym or doing sports. On the other hand, it is a time management problem.

How can we manage all the work and find time for exercise? My opinion is that we never think about important work when planning our free time. The following article is an attempt to explain why we need to rethink our priorities and put more training on paper.

Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Besides many physical benefits, recent research shows that there is another immediate benefit we get from exercise and physical activity – increased productivity. In addition to that, research proves that regular exercise can make you happier, smarter, and stronger.

The Benefits Of Regular Exercise In Your Daily Life

Your brain is the most important tool you … Read the rest