The Benefits Of Using Green Tea For Your Skin

The Benefits Of Using Green Tea For Your Skin – Green tea is a common Asian beverage that is popular throughout North America.  As a popular beverage, many people are looking for green tea as a healthy alternative to coffee and other hot beverages.  Research has shown that green tea is rich in the antioxidant polyphenol, which has unusual health benefits.

Green, black and oolong tea are part of the same species called Camellia sinensis.  Local growing conditions produce many variations and different leaves.  Leaf processing plays the largest role in the formation of only three species.  How long they are processed determines the color, taste and nutrients of different varieties of tea.

The Benefits Of Using Green Tea For Your Skin

Green tea is the least processed of the three and contains the highest ORAC (oxygen absorption capacity) of the three teas.  Green tea is rich in the antioxidant polyphenol catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).  This antioxidant is thought to be largely responsible for the health benefits associated with consuming green tea.

Green Tea Is Good For Your Heart And Mind, Research Shows

EGCG is considered to be one hundred times more potent than vitamin C and twenty-four times more potent than vitamin E. Getting rid of free radicals makes green tea the best anti-aging medicine.  EGCG is a handful of unique antioxidants that have been shown to have the ability to influence DNA formation, altering potential chronic disease conditions (1, 2).

A September 2006 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that drinking green tea reduced the risk of death from all causes, including cardiovascular disease (CVD).  This is an 11-year study after 40,530 adults aged 40-79 in the Northeast Of Japan.  80% of this population drink green tea and more than half consume at least three cups a day (3).

People who drank less than a cup of green tea a day had a lower risk of death than those who drank less than a cup of green tea. Per day.  Men have a 12% lower risk of death, a lower risk of dying from CVD and a 42% lower risk of dying from stroke.  Women have a lower mortality rate of 23% and a 31% lower risk of dying from CVD and less than 62% of deaths from stroke.

A meta-analysis of 13 studies published in July 2006 Carcinogenesis found that women who drank green tea had a 22% lower risk of developing breast cancer than women who did not drink green tea. ).

Proven Green Tea Benefits For Skin

A study published in December 2004 in Cancer Research discusses how EGCG can reduce growth factors such as insulin-1 (IGF-1) while increasing levels of the IGF-3 binding protein. Connect IGF-1.  It reduces the risk of breast, colon, prostate and lung cancer.  It also inhibits the surviving proteins from major cancers and reduces the expression of compounds involved in the spread of cancer (5).

A study published in Cancer Research in March 2005 showed that EGCG inhibits the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR), which cancer cells need to grow.  In fact, DHFR is a common target of many expensive and toxic cancer drugs, such as methotrexate.  However, EGCG does not bind as strongly as methotrexate, which means that it is not as potent, but it does not have the same negative effects on normal cells as methotrexate (6).

The November 2005 issue of Antiviral Research shows how EGCG prevents influenza viruses from replicating in cell culture.  Scientists have found that it inhibits the enzyme hemagglutinin in viruses, which inhibits its ability to infect other cells.  It also inhibits viral RNA synthesis by altering key properties of viral cell membranes (7).

EGCG has been shown to inhibit pathogens such as Epstein Barr, herpes simplex, HIV-1 and influenza viruses (8, 9, 10, 11).  Green tea contains high levels of L-theanine, which has been shown to proliferate human gamma-delta T lymphocytes and produce interferone gamma If-G.  If-G is a potent antimicrobial cytokine that is the first line of defense in the bloodstream against infection.

Benefits Of Green Tea For Skin

Green tea also contains small amounts of alkaloids present in pathogenic organisms.  When we drink this tea, the alkaloids present act as weak antigens that do not fully activate the immune system but get it in a ready state.  This strengthens the immune system against invasive bacteria and viruses (12)

It is always important to get organic green tea.  This is because these plants can be highly sprayed with pesticides and herbicides, so if you buy regular varieties you may be risking your health with these toxic chemicals.

From a nutritional point of view, the best type of green tea is matcha tea.  Researchers have found that matcha green tea can contain ten times more antioxidants than standard green tea. (13) This is the brand I use.

Green tea contains caffeine, but it contains less than half of the coffee contained in coffee.  The amount of caffeine in green tea actually varies depending on the amount of tea used, the brand and the quality.  The first green tea was high quality and high in caffeine.

Relax And Improve Your Health With Herbal Teas

It is very important to get organic tea because it can normally be sprayed with highly toxic pesticides and herbicides.  Many coffee shops and large companies sell green tea, which is produced commercially and contains a lot of toxic substances.  This does not affect health and should be avoided.

Pregnant women and newborns should not drink too much green tea, as its ability to bind to DHFR may increase the risk of folate deficiency in newborns and increase the risk of spina bifida or systemic disease. Other nerves.

Most people like green tea and can drink many glasses every day.  One caveat is that you want to avoid drinking large amounts in the afternoon and evening due to caffeine.  Even decaf can be irritating and should be avoided later.  It is more useful in the morning or in the afternoon.

Some individuals do not do well with green tea.  These individuals complain of nausea, joint pain, anxiety, irritability and headaches when they consume it.  This can be caused by caffeine, but can also be caused by intolerance.  If you notice these feelings, try drinking green tea with food and see if it helps.  If not, try reducing or eliminating green tea and other caffeinated beverages from your diet for a week, then try again and see if the symptoms return.

Coffee Or Tea

As long as you do not have these contraindications and you feel better when you eat it than you are welcome to drink several cups every day.  You can also use supplements with green tea extract to reap these benefits.  My favorite energy supplement with green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, vitamin C, methyl-B12, resveratrol, s-acetyl glutathione, and more is called energy.

Sources for this article include: 1. Adhami VM, Siddiqui IA, Ahmad N, Gupta S, Mukhtar H. Oral intake of green tea polyphenols inhibits the expression of insulin-like growth factor-I-induced signaling in autochthonous mouse models. Of prostate cancer.  Cancer 2004 December 1; 64 (23): 8715-22.  PMID: 15574782 2. Butt MS, Sultan MT. Green_tea: Natural protection against viruses.  Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. May 2009; 49 (5): 463-73.  PMID: 19399671 3. Kuriyama S, Shimazu T, Ohmori K, Kikuchi N, Nakaya N, Nishino Y, Tsubono Y, Tsuji I. Consumption of green tea and death from cardiovascular disease, cancer and all causes in Japan : Ohsaki study.  Jama 2006 Sept. 13; 296 (10): 1255-65. PMID: 16968850 4. Sun CL, Yuan JM, Koh WP, Yu MC. Green tea, black tea and breast cancer risk: a meta-analysis of epidemiological studies.  July 2006; 27 (7): 1310-5.  PMID: 16311246 5. Adhami VM, Siddiqui IA, Ahmad N, Gupta S, Mukhtar H. Oralconsumption of green tea polyphenols inhibits I-induced signing stimuli in automated use.  Cancer 2004 December 1; 64 (23): 8715-22.  PMID: 15574782 6. Navarro-Perán E, Cabezas-Herrera J, García-Cánovas F, Durrant MC, Thorneley RN, Rodríguez-López JN. Anti-folate activity of catechins tea.  Cancer, March 15, 2005; 65 (6): 2059-64.  PMID: 15781612 7. Song JM, Lee KH, Seong BL. Antiviral effect of catechins in green tea on influenza virus.  Antiviral Drugs, November 2005; 68 (2: 66-74). PMID: 16137775 8. Nakayama M, Suzuki K, Toda M, Okubo S, Hara Y, Shimamura T. Preventing Influenza Infection by Antiviral Res. 1993 August; 21 (4): 289-99. PMID: 8215301 9. Cantatore A, Randall SD, Traum D, Adams SD. Effect of black tea extract on Herpes simplex virus-1 infection of cultured cells.  BMC Supplements Med. 2013 June 18; 13: 139.   PMID: 23777309 10. Chang LK, Wei TT, Chiu YF, Tung CP, Chuang JY, Hung SK, Li C, Liu ST. Inhibition of Epstein-Barr virus cycle by (-) – epigallocatechin gallate.  Biophysics Biophys Res Commun. 2003 Feb. 21; 301 (4): 1062-8.  PMID: 12589821 11. Li S, Hattori T, Kodama EN. Epigallocatechin gallate inhibits HIV transmission.  Antiviral drug Chem Chemother. 2011 July 4; 21 (6): 239-43.  PMID: 21730371 12. Bukowski JF, Morita CT, Brenner MB. Bukowski JF, Morita CT, Brenner MB. Human gamma delta T cells recognize alkylamines derived from edible plant microbes and tea: effects for innate immunity.  Immunity. July 1999; 11 (1: 57-65).  PMID: 10435579

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Top 3 Benefits Of Drinking Green Tea For Your Oral Microbiome