The Science Of Retinol: Benefits And Uses

The Science Of Retinol: Benefits And Uses – Do you notice skin redness and fine lines? Do you also experience loss of skin elasticity, or suffer from adult acne? One substance has been scientifically proven to be able to solve all problems – Retinoids, or the group of Vitamin A. This group of substances is recognized as the “royal family” of skin care because they are the scientific “gold standard” in topical treatment for skin aging and acne too! Before we go deep into the world of retinoids…You probably saw it on our Instagram that By will be launching a retinoid-based (Retinal) product soon,   how about we take a look back at their top retinoid benefits and how to get the most out of them! 1. The history of vitamin A Retinoids were initially discovered and used as a topical and oral medication for many skin conditions, especially for acne. After years of close observation, doctors and scientists have found that retinoids have the added benefit of healing and rejuvenating sun-damaged skin. It helps improve the overall texture of the skin and reverses the signs of aging. 2. How Do They Work? Our skin cells have a receptor for retinoic acid. Retinoic acid acts like a wake-up call for our skin cells to do their job properly. Retinoids help increase our skin cell turnover rate and the basic renewal of our skin cells. It helps to increase the production of collagen (which is the building block of our skin), and also removes hyperpigmentation. 3. Who Will Benefit? Anyone who is concerned about acne, signs of aging, and wants to prevent early signs of aging can benefit from using retinoids. You might be wondering – when is the right time to start? There is no black and white answer to this. However, if your main issue is acne, you can start as early as your teenage years (15 – 17 years). In addition, the truth is that the production of collagen in the skin of our skin decreases significantly by 1% every year when we reach the age of 25. This fact is a good reason to start your retinoids journey at you reach your mid to late 20s. Being diligent about using this ingredient will help prevent your skin from forming (more) fine lines before it’s too late! “Retinoids, retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, retin-A – What are these substances? Are they the same?”

‘Retinoids’ is an umbrella term for both the prescription-based active retinoic acid as well as the over the counter (OTC) derivatives. Think of retinoids as a company, and derivatives such as retinoid acid, retinol, retinaldehydes as the person behind the company from the boss, manager, employee and so on. The only active form of retinoids that our skin cells recognize and respond to is retinoic acid. Think of it as the most powerful member and the director (or boss) of the company. However, retinoic acid is only available with a doctor’s prescription (eg: RetinA cream). Other derivatives such as retinol, retinaldehyde and granactive retinoids are sidekicks of retinoic acid. Although they are not as powerful, they still have their own roles to play to keep the group going. These “sidekicks” are easily available in OTC skin care products, and are not very “powerful” because they have to overcome “barriers” before being able to work like retinoic acid. Simply put, they need our skin’s enzymes to convert them into their active form (retinoic acid) before they can signal to skin cells. To name some of these derivatives and the number of conversions they require: ✓ Retinol ester (3 conversions): Retinyl proprionate, Retinyl palmitate, Retinyl aspartamate ✓ Retinol (2 conversions) ✓ Retinaldehyde (1 conversion): Retinyl-aldehyde , Retinal ✓ Retinoic acid esters  (0 conversions): Hydroxypina colone retinoate or commonly known as granactive retinoid   4. Tips For Newbies! ✓ When: Apply ONLY at night time. Use retinoids 1 – 2 times a week and increase the frequency as your skin adjusts to them. ✓ How: Slowly but surely. To make sure your skin can adjust to the ingredient, use a product with a lower concentration. ✓ Important: Don’t forget to use your sunscreen every day! Q. Is It Safe During Pregnancy or Breastfeeding?

The Science Of Retinol: Benefits And Uses

Retinoids are not safe to use during pregnancy (although this has been proven only in a certain amount of concentration). It is best to avoid using retinoids during pregnancy. While OTC options are unlikely to cause problems while breastfeeding, note that there is no strong evidence to prove their absolute safety.

The Derm Approved Way To Use Retinol Every. Single. Day

The First Merch Wasn’t A Defective Sweatshirt! Join the #NotAFlawSquad Now Next How Long Does a Skin Care Formula Work? Consistency is the Key It will be A-mzaing and will be the holy grail night cream to restore elasticity and balance!

We all want to look as young as possible, and we know that by taking care of our skin with the right skin care products, we can help keep our skin looking look grown, young, and bright. What is one ingredient that pops into your mind that can do it all? For us, it’s vitamin A a.k.a the retinoids! Retinoids are the type of ingredients and we have discussed them in detail in our previous post which you can check here. However, we will review them a little here and talk in more detail about two of the most common derivatives that we find in cosmetics. By has launched their first ever vitamin A skin care product, the Vitamin A-mazing Bakuchiol Night Cream!

Benefits of retinoids/vitamin A- Increase cellular turnover- Helps control acne (unclogged pores)- Stimulate collagen and elastin production (decrease fine lines)- Suppress sebum production- Fades hyperpigmentation- Antioxidant Who is this for? You can start using your vitamin A products if you have acne issues (mild-moderate) or those who want to prevent and reverse the signs of aging. You can start using your retinoids as long as you check the following criteria:- I use a gentle cleanser- I use a moisturizer and I use it diligently- I use sunscreen every day (no doubt) If you check all statement above, You can ask yourself if you have any of the following concerns:- Skin tone (fine lines or clogged pores)- Mild acne- Hyperpigmentation- Dull skin If you think you have the above concerns, you are welcome to start your retinoid journey! Not all of them are created equal The only active form of retinoid that our skin cells recognize and respond to is retinoic acid and it can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription. Other derivatives such as retinol, retinaldehyde, and granactive retinoids (HPR) are other milder derivatives that must be converted to retinoic acid in order for them to work. Although they are not as strong, they are easily used in OTC skin care. Let’s now discuss two of the most common vitamin A derivatives that we find in OTC skincare. What makes retinaldehyde different from retinol? How do you layer them? Here are some of the best ingredient pairings you can look for if you’re thinking about layering your retinaldehyde/retinol with other ingredients:

Top 3 Vitamin A Maximizing Routine   1. For Beginners: Vitamin A + Centella Asiatica + Propolis + Vitamin E

Pdf) A Placebo Controlled Study Demonstrates The Long Lasting Anti Aging Benefits Of A Cream Containing Retinol, Dihydroxymethylchromone (dmc) And Hyaluronic Acid

Previous ELMT 101: Soothing skincare you can trust (with the science to prove it!) Next ELMT 101: Let’s Discuss the Science Behind “Glowing” Skincare When it comes to universal beauty PSAs, every skin pro you come across (dermatologist, facialist, you name it) will always say there are two must-haves for every skin care routine. The first is sunscreen. The second is retinol.

Although it’s safe to say you know the benefits of retinol (or its Rx counterpart, retinoic acid), you probably haven’t added it to your daily routine. And if that’s because you’re afraid of redness and irritation, you’re not alone. Experts say this is the number-one concern for women when they recommend adding it to their regimen.

That’s about to change. Read on to find out how to truly transform your skin now and forever by using retinol… the

Plain and simple: Retinoids are a skin care powerhouse. It’s a one-stop-shop ingredient for a long list of common complexion issues—from skin clarification to reducing the appearance of large pores, uneven skin tone, dull skin, and fine line. What other ingredient can do all this? The answer: nothing.

Retinol For Skin: Acne, Aging, More Benefits, And Forms

“Retinoids are known to influence many biologic functions of the skin,” explains Claire Chang, a dermatologist at Union Square Laser Dermatology in New York City. “They have been used for their anti-aging effects since the 1980s, and there is strong scientific evidence to support the fact that they increase skin cell turnover, improve collagen stimulation, and increase epidermal thickness.”

The regeneration of skin cells is very large. If you can speed up the formation of new skin cells from the deeper layers of the skin to the upper layers of the skin, you will be less likely to experience skin issues like clogged pores. pores, blackheads, and zits, plus uneven skin tone

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This article was written by Emma