Day: August 1, 2024

Importance Of Setting Boundaries

Importance Of Setting Boundaries – I just stumbled upon an Instagram post about “Boundaries” and now I want to share some things with you. First, let us understand the meaning of demarcation.

Invisible lines that define acceptable behavior for an individual. Boundaries can be physical (e.g., do not touch me) or emotional (do not lie to me).

Importance Of Setting Boundaries

Demarcation is a form of self-care. It helps to establish clear guidelines / rules / limits of how you want to be treated. They let others know what is what and what is okay / acceptable. It obeys our needs and desires so that we feel respected and safe.

Importance Of Setting Clear Boundaries As Content Freelancer

1. Set your limits and contact them. To know when someone is crossing your border, you need to have some. If you do not know what motivates you and what you consider … Read the rest