Day: June 28, 2024

How To Achieve A Natural Makeup Look

How To Achieve A Natural Makeup Look – Are you struggling with your eye makeup? A natural eye makeup look is easy to achieve with minimal products and brushes, even if you’re in a hurry! Hope this natural eye makeup tutorial helps you!

How do I do my eye makeup is a question I get asked a lot. I have big, round eyes and it’s really fun for me to play with them. I have loved experimenting with eyeshadow for years. I know many of us don’t have much time to glam up in the day to day, so a

How To Achieve A Natural Makeup Look

Seeing is what we go for. I want to show you some amazing tips that will make you look like you spent more time on your eye makeup than you actually did.

The Perfect No Makeup Makeup Look For Summer

I’ve shared this … Read the rest

Mindful Eating Practices

Mindful Eating Practices – Mindful eating is the practice of eating by focusing primarily on the sensory aspects of our being. When we eat mindfully, we eat focusing on the smallest things like the texture of the food, the movement of our tongue as it curves to the shape of the food, the taste and our reaction to it, moment by moment observing with judgment. It has very little to do with tracking calories, carbs, or protein. Thus, the act of mindful eating is also considered meditative as it helps us gain awareness of our eating experiences. In fact, this practice is based on Zen Buddhism and has become popular as a way to calm down and bring a sense of control, confidence and discipline to eating habits. The term “mindfulness” was defined by John Kabat-Zinn, the original developer and leader of the mindfulness-based stress reduction program, as “paying attention … Read the rest