10 Habits For Healthier Hair
10 Habits For Healthier Hair – Since you’ve been receiving Korean Hair Care products for the past two years, we thought it would be appropriate to give our readers 10 Tips / Habits for a healthy scalp, and subsequently, more beautiful locks of hair!
It’s actually a tip that many people overlook, but it’s important to dry your scalp properly and thoroughly after you wash your hair.
10 Habits For Healthier Hair
Basically, if your hair is wet, even with just one drop of rain, every time you get home, make sure you wash your hair.
Bedtime Habits For Healthy Hair
The easiest way you can protect your hair from harmful UV rays is to wear a cap/hat when you will be in the sun for a long period of time.
Try including more of the following foods in your diet, for a healthier scalp from the inside out: tuna, … Read the rest