How To Treat Psoriasis Naturally

By | January 28, 2025

How To Treat Psoriasis Naturally – Psoriasis is a chronic, autoimmune skin disease that causes inflammation and scaling of the skin that affects about 2 percent to 2.6 percent of the U.S. population. (1) Normal, healthy skin experiences cell turnover about once a month, but when you have eczema, skin cells grow too fast and actually pile on top of each other. Thankfully, you can help combat this condition by following a proper eczema diet treatment plan.

We know that eczema starts in the immune system and involves a type of white blood cell called T cells. (2) When you have psoriasis, T cells mistakenly go into overdrive and become overactive, causing unhealthy inflammation and rapid turnover of skin cells.

How To Treat Psoriasis Naturally

A major dermatology focus in the field of skin diseases, the symptoms of psoriasis can vary according to the form of psoriasis (of which there are several – more on that below). You might be thinking that psoriasis is just an annoying skin condition, but it can also result in psoriatic arthritis, a joint inflammation that affects about 30 percent of all psoriasis patients.

Natural Psoriasis Treatment

Conventional psoriasis treatment can work, but it often doesn’t or is just a temporary solution that doesn’t get to the heart of the issue. There are many natural remedies for eczema, with the eczema diet at the top of the list.

Why is eczema diet so important? Studies have shown that intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome is very common in psoriasis patients. Making the right food choices can make a difference when it comes to eczema. As the National Psoriasis Foundation says, “Happy diet, happy life.” (3) I couldn’t agree more!

Eczema is often found on the elbows, legs, scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet. However, it can also occur in other places, such as on the fingers, toenails, genitals and inside the mouth. Scalp psoriasis affects about 50 percent of people with psoriasis, making it one of the most obvious concerns among people with the condition.

Most doctors are unsure of what causes eczema, but many naturopaths have found contributing factors. Causes of eczema include:

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If you want to get rid of psoriasis, you can see great improvement by following a healthy and healing psoriasis diet.

Psoriasis is considered an autoimmune disease in which the body mistakenly mistakes its own tissue as foreign and attacks itself. When it comes to conventional treatment, doctors take into account how severe your case is, the type of psoriasis and the size of the psoriasis patches. Doctors often change traditional treatments if none are effective, you respond poorly, or if they all stop working all together. (6)

Conventional treatment is often difficult, and currently the most common treatments are retinoids or immunosuppressant drugs. The latter are often steroids or cyclosporine, which come with side effects even if they are effective in treating psoriasis.

Topical treatment is very common and involves applying a cream or ointment to problem areas. Another traditional option is light therapy, also called phototherapy, which uses a combination of natural ultraviolet light from the sun and artificial ultraviolet light. PUVA light therapy is a form of treatment that uses a combination of a drug that makes the skin more sensitive to light and exposure to ultraviolet A light.

Pdf) Natural Treatment Alternative For Psoriasis: A Review On Herbal Resources

When eczema is severe, doctors will likely use systemic treatment, which means prescription drugs or medications given by shot. Combination therapy for psoriasis uses topical, phototherapy, and systemic treatments in harmony, all of which come with side effects that natural remedies like psoriasis diets do not.

Natural or holistic treatment aims to get to the root of the problem. For many people, anti-inflammatory foods combined with a psoriasis-healing diet are one of the best ways to treat psoriasis naturally.

Studies have been looking at the link between gut structure and function in the development of psoriasis for decades. (7) Some experts believe that eczema is actually caused by intestinal permeability, particularly in the area between the duodenum and jejunum. Consequently, the body tries to eliminate toxins through the skin. In this model, eczema represents the body’s desperate attempt to cleanse itself.

Stress is also known to play a big role in psoriasis, which is why mind-body therapies and stress management can really help heal psoriasis. Prayer, meditation and hypnosis can all help. Studies actually show that people who meditate before receiving light therapy have better results than people who had light therapy alone. (8)

Best Natural Ingredients And Oils For Psoriasis

It may sound simple, but exercise and drinking plenty of water are two easy and effective ways to help heal eczema.

When it comes to showering, you definitely don’t want to use very hot water as it can further dry out and inflame your skin. Soaking in a warm bath with dead sea salt, Epsom salt, or oats for about 15 minutes can help soothe the rash and soothe itching.

As soon as you get out of the bath or shower, be sure to apply moisturizer to your skin – this way you can seal some water into your skin, which can help soothe and heal patches of eczema.

There are three nature-based topical remedies that have shown positive effects on eczema: Oregon grape (10 percent) cream, avocado and vitamin B12 cream, and aloe (0.5 percent) cream. Research has shown that Reliva, a homeopathic cream containing Oregon grape extract, is effective and well tolerated in patients with mild to moderate eczema. (9)

Best Natural Treatment For Inverse Psoriasis That Works

Early research suggests that a proprietary cream containing avocado oil and vitamin B12 may reduce the symptoms of psoriasis. Several studies have shown that a cream containing 0.5 percent aloe vera extract is better than a placebo with no negative side effects. (10)

Homeopathy is another natural remedy that has been shown to improve eczema. Studies have shown that homeopathic treatment of psoriasis patients results in improvement in symptoms and overall quality of life. (11)

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can also help some people with psoriasis. In Chinese medicine, eczema is seen as a health problem caused by blood stagnation. Some herbs that a Chinese medicine practitioner may prescribe include turmeric, zedoria (similar to ginger), dong guai, red peony, and sarsaparilla. Ditni, Sophora and Tribulus may also be prescribed to relieve itching associated with psoriasis.

If you’re a fan of Ayurvedic medicine, you might want to try panchakarma therapy, which includes plant-based remedies and dietary changes aimed at detoxifying the body. A vegetarian diet is also often recommended. Remedies for panchakarma include ghee consumption and medicated enemas.

Psoriasis Cure: The Ultimate Psoriasis Treatment Guide Ebook By Dr. Michael Ericsson

An eczema diet is important. If you have a leaky gut, partially digested proteins and fats can leak into your intestines, enter your bloodstream and cause allergic reactions. If left untreated, it can lead to eczema as well as other serious health problems such as depression, anxiety, migraine headaches, muscle pain and chronic fatigue.

Studies have shown a link between abnormal small intestinal permeability and psoriasis. (12) A psoriasis diet can help heal your gut, which in turn can end your suffering with psoriasis as well as psoriatic arthritis.

Wondering how to get rid of eczema naturally? As I always say, your diet is the foundation of good health, and it’s no different when it comes to eczema. Not only is your diet a treatment for active eczema, but it’s also a way to prevent eczema in the first place.

When it comes to natural eczema treatment, these are some of the best foods to eat regularly. I recommend these food options to anyone looking for a psoriatic arthritis diet. The more healing, anti-inflammatory foods you eat, the more improvements you’ll see in your skin health.

How To Soothe Scalp Psoriasis Naturally

Probiotic foods — Consuming foods high in probiotics is a great way to help aid digestion, remove toxins from the body, reduce inflammation, and boost immunity.  Look for organic, raw, cultured dairy like kefir, yogurt and cultured vegetables that can give your body the bacteria and yeast it needs to stay healthy. There have been many personal accounts of probiotics clearing up stubborn eczema that did not respond to conventional treatment. One victim had eczema on her heels for about 10 years that did not respond to topical treatment. She started taking probiotics for a different condition, and her heels cleared up and the eczema stayed away. (13)

High-fiber foods — By increasing your intake of high-fiber foods you can help keep your digestive system healthy, which helps prevent constipation and keep your natural detoxification processes on track. Fruits, vegetables, beans and seeds are all rich in fiber.

 — Similar to the lineup for fiber-rich foods, antioxidant foods include vegetables, fruits, herbs, beans and nuts. Some options that top the list when it comes to antioxidants include goji berries, wild blueberries, pecans, cilantro and kidney beans. Antioxidant consumption is especially important because psoriasis sufferers are at increased risk for cancer and heart disease.

Foods rich in zinc — Zinc is essential for maintaining healthy skin. Some evidence shows that zinc helps reduce pain and joint inflammation for psoriasis sufferers. (14) Grass-fed beef, lamb, pumpkin seeds, kefir, and chickpeas are all great sources of zinc.

Psoriasis Natural Treatment, Remedies And Solutions For Redness, Scales And Itching With Herbal Treatments, Recipes And Advice

Foods rich in vitamin A — think orange, yellow and dark leafy green vegetables. By including these winners in your diet on a daily basis, you will increase your vitamin A, which is important for skin healing. Good sources of vitamin A include cantaloupe, carrots, mangoes, tomatoes, cabbage, collard greens and watermelon.

Wild-caught fish — like fish