Day: August 29, 2024

Sustainable Beauty Practices

Sustainable Beauty Practices – Home / About us / Tips and advice / Hip-Hip Hooray for Earth Day: Some ways you can spice up your beauty routine to be more environmentally conscious

Being environmentally friendly is not a box we get to check once a year, pat ourselves on the back and then carry on as if it didn’t happen. There are lots of small changes you can make to your daily beauty routine that will reduce waste, reduce plastic and generally create less negative impact on the environment!

Sustainable Beauty Practices

Estimates suggest that the United States produces over 20 million pounds of disposable wipes per day. Don’t add to that number, boo! Makeup remover wipes contain toxins that can leach into the oceans and do ecological damage, and they are not biodegradable, meaning they sit in landfills for decades or longer.

The Different Ways The Beauty Industry Is

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