Day: August 27, 2024

Must-have Skincare Products For Dry Skin

Must-have Skincare Products For Dry Skin – For a while now, my face has felt like it could burst at any given moment. The skin has become tight (even though I moisturize twice daily) and is streaked with patches of flaky skin (especially around my nose and mouth). But it seems like I’m far from the only one.

“Why is my skin so dry even when I moisturize?” and “best moisturizer for dehydrated skin” were frequently searched questions in the past week. It makes perfect sense. Cold weather and central heating can sap moisture from the environment, leading to transepidermal water loss, where water evaporates from the skin. If yours feels especially parched, that could certainly be a reason, but the wrong skin care products (think: too many active ingredients like retinol and exfoliating acids, a stripping cleanser or heavily fragranced products) can also exacerbate dry, dehydrated skin.

Must-have Skincare

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