Day: August 12, 2024

Hydrating Skincare Staples

Hydrating Skincare Staples – Oh my god, winter brings out dry skin for me. It hasn’t been that cold yet, but I can already feel the difference in my skin after the temperature has dropped. Skincare is something I’ve gotten more serious about in the last few years, and I’ve really enjoyed having it as part of my nightly routine (although since having a baby, it hasn’t been as consistent as I’d like). . But pre-baby I did it religiously and this post is all about my favorites and what I’ve been using lately to keep my skin hydrated for the winter.

Before I started my skincare obsession, I didn’t try very many new products. I stuck with what I knew worked for me and that was pretty much it. But after doing some research and seeing what others shared online, I was introduced to The Ordinary. If you haven’t … Read the rest